Amada Weld Tech is highlighting its Jupiter Advanced Laser Welding System, for medical device welding.
Based on its largest modular platform and suitable for welding parts up to 1400mm long, this production system is cleanroom compatible and suitable for welding stent placing devices, sensors, CCTV camera housing, and more. The system features data logging and traceability that meets EMA and MHRA standards and can be integrated with a variety of automation modules. Laser Fabric Cutting Machine For Home Use

The Jupiter Advanced Laser Welding System features a 150W QCW Fiber Laser (1500W peak) for welding stainless steel and titanium, XYZ and a rotary axis for welding long cylindrical parts, including stents, catheters, and hypotubes.
The system offers accuracy from <=20 microns down to <=2.5 microns for advanced drive systems. Standard models feature a baseplate and bridge/ gantry composed of aluminium with steel. Granite versions are available for increased accuracy. The system features Aerotech motion stages. Standard models feature servo motion with ball screw, while linear motor stages are available for parts requiring increased accuracy.
Also available is the Jupiter Glovebox Laser Welding System for medical implantable devices that require a perfect hermetic seal, including pacemakers, defibrillators, heart rhythm monitors, and cochlear implants.
Providing a controlled and regulated gas atmosphere, the Jupiter Glovebox Laser Welding System provides the environment for the weld process and the internal atmosphere of the welded part. The system features integrated laser, motion and environmental controls and can be integrated with several laser types, including pulsed Nd-YAG, Pulsed Fiber and CW Fiber Lasers. The system is offered in several sizes and configurations, including 2, 3 or 4 gloves.
Position Based Firing (PBF), better known as synchronising Position Synchronised Output (PSO) enables weld pulses to be spaced at regular spacing, independent of the four- or five axis motion programmed. This ensures regular heat input in sensitive areas, like sharp corners of the titanium shells.
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1500w Handheld Laser Welding Machine © Rapid Medtech Communications Ltd. A Rapid News Group Company. All Rights Reserved.