A Laboratory test sieve is an instrument which is used for the measurement of particle size. In its most common form, it consists of a woven wire screen, with square apertures, rigidly mounted in a shallow cylindrical metal frame. For coarse sieving a perforated plate screen with square or round holes may be used in place of wire mesh. Square hole perforated plate sieves range down to 4 mm and round hole sieves down to 1 mm aperture.
The sizes of solid particles from 125 mm down to 20 μm can be measured rapidly and efficiently by means of standard test sieves. Special sieves with apertures smaller than 20 μm are available, but it should be appreciated that the finer a screen is, the more easily will certain types of particulate solids tend to block or blind the apertures. Nevertheless, 'micro' sieving can be carried out down to 5 μm using special techniques. Square Hole Perforated Sheet Metal

Particle size, as measured by test sieving, may be specified simply by quoting two sieve sizes, one through which the particles have passed, and the other on which they are retained, i.e. the particle size distribution.
Endecotts Ltd provide all the equipment necessary to perform meaningful particle size analysis using sieves to receive accurate and repeatable results every time.
Glenammer Sieves Ltd, a leader in particle size analysis, is celebrating 25 years of delivering high-quality sieves and shakers. Established in 1998, the com...
The solubility of drugs, the taste of chocolate or the solidity of concrete - these are only a few examples of physical or chemical material properties which...
The determination and knowledge of the particle size distribution is an essential part of the quality control process for industrial products. From incoming...
The Retsch AS 200 Air Jet Sieve is particularly suitable for sieve cuts of dry powdered materials which require efficient dispersion and deagglomeration and...
Buyers Guide - Major producers of analytical equipment who wish to introduce and sell their products to buyers in science and industry - Over 1,000 products and services that these companys man...
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