Nighttime pre-revenue testing underway on the Regional Connector!
While there is still work to complete, we have some good news — train testing on the Regional Connector project has begun in anticipation of its opening later this year. We don’t yet have a date but this is great step forward. Air Hose Fittings One Touch Pneumatic Tube Connector

There are some changes — see below — including adjustments to our A, E and L Line schedules that begin Sunday, April 9. Under the new schedules, the last trains of the night will be leaving earlier than they currently do. We don’t want anyone to miss their trains — please note this! Please scroll down for more info.
Via a new tunnel with three underground stations in downtown Los Angeles, the project is tying together the A, E and L Lines (Blue, Expo, Gold) into two new rail lines — the new A and E Lines. The new A Line will run north-south between Azusa and Long Beach, while the new E Line will run east-west between East LA and Santa Monica.
This map shows the change:
As part of the testing, trains from 7th/Metro, Pico/Aliso and Union Station will drop off riders and then travel through the three new stations without passengers. During this time, riders of the A, E and L Lines may start to see and hear updated line letters on trains and signs as we test the new service.
We promise to make the transition as smooth as possible, but you will likely see both old and new for a little while as we test the service and get ready for the opening.
What can riders expect during the testing phase?
New Schedules: We’re making changes to our A, E and L Line schedules due to Regional Connector testing beginning this Sunday, April 9.
Beginning this Sunday, the last train times EVERY NIGHT of the week:
Last A Line train departing 7th/Metro for Long Beach: 12:03 am.
Last A Line train departing Long Beach for 7th/Metro: 11:06 pm.
Last E Line train departing 7th/Metro for Santa Monica: 12:00 am.
Last E Line train departing Santa Monica for 7th/Metro: 11:14 pm.
Last L Line train departing Union Station for Azusa: 12:14 am.
Last L Line train departing Azusa for Union Station: 11:02 pm.
Last L Line train departing Pico/Aliso for Atlantic: 12:10 am.
Last L Line train departing Atlantic for Pico/Aliso: 11:37 pm.
If you do miss the last train, Metro does offer Owl bus service that runs overnight on select bus lines. To plan a transit trip, some popular options are: Google Maps , Apple Maps , the Transit app , Moovit and the trip planner on .
The new schedules are here:
Note: download the files to see higher resolution versions.
Train Signs: Destinations displayed will be correct, but line letters and colors may reflect future service — for example, you may encounter a train on the L Line that carries the A Line’s color as seen in the below pics.
Train Announcements: Destinations announced will be correct, however L Line announcements may reflect future service. For example, if you’re riding the L Line from Union Station to APU/Citrus, you might hear this announcement: “This is an A Line train to Azusa/Union Station.” Those riding from Pico/Aliso to Atlantic may hear “This is an E Line train to Union Station/East LA.” Bottom line: the trains are going where you expect them to be going.
Special note for 7th St/Metro riders: Beginning April 9, Platform 1 will be used only for arriving trains and all departing trains will leave from Platform 2.
As part of the full schedule testing phase of Regional Connector rail services, new schedules will commence April 9 for the A, E and L lines.
Stay safe: As test trains begin to operate more frequently on 1st Street in the Boyle Heights, Arts District and Little Tokyo communities:
–Never walk on the train tracks. –Never walk/ride a bike, scooter or skateboard in the train, on the tracks, or at the station. –Always obey all warning signs. –Watch for trains from both directions on both tracks.
What can riders expect once the project is complete?
A Line Riders: The A Line will run between Long Beach and Azusa, via the three new downtown LA stations.
E Line Riders: The E Line will run between Santa Monica and East LA, via three new downtown LA stations. The “E” on maps and signage will change color from light blue to gold.
L Line Riders: The part of the current L Line between Little Tokyo/Arts District and Azusa will become part of the A Line. The part of the L Line between Little Tokyo/Arts District and Atlantic will become part of the E Line. The color for this part of the line will remain gold. And good news: once the Regional Connector opens, the L Line Shuttle will go away. The new A Line will connect Union Station and Little Tokyo/Arts District Station.
Transfers between the A and E Lines: you’ll be able to transfer between the A and E Lines at five stations in DTLA: Pico, 7th/Metro, Grand Ave Arts/Bunker Hill and Little Tokyo/Arts District. The transfer is easy: step off one train and wait for the next one on the same platform.
More about the Project: The Regional Connector is a 1.9-mile twin tunnel under downtown Los Angeles that is connecting the A, E and L Lines to make travel to and through downtown L.A. quicker with fewer transfers. The project will make traveling by transit throughout our county and region faster and more convenient.
For example, riders from Azusa and East LA will be able to travel directly into the heart of downtown L.A. without having to transfer to the B/D Line subway at Union Station. Similarly, riders on the A and E Lines will be able to reach more DTLA destinations without having to transfer to the subway at 7th/Metro.
Those who know their transit history may recall that the original L Line to Pasadena was supposed to run to 7th/Metro. Budget constraints prevented that from happening and the project was built instead between Union Station and Pasadena. The Connector, two decades later, supplies the missing link!
Tagged as: A-Line, Blue Line, construction, E Line, Expo Line, Gold Line, Highlight, L Line, map, Measure R, projects, Regional Connector, train testing, transfers
Speaking of NextGen, I cannot wait to see which routes will be changed in this coming Summer’s service change. Ever since the Redondo Beach Transit Center reopened in January, Metro Lines 40, 210, and 211/215 still have the original route on the Transit App, whereas BCT 102, Torrance 2, and GTrans revised their routes on both the buses and the Transit App. Particularly, on the newer buses for BCT with the male voiceover, he announces the stop for the Redondo Beach Transit Center (something the older buses with the female announcers don’t).
Heck, the older BCT buses (up to 548, as well as the 550 on School Trips) mention some routes that are not with us anymore: Metro Lines 126 (defunct, however BCT is considering reviving the route as a summer route), 740 (merged with Line 40), 710 (merged with Line 210), 130 (now Torrance 13), 625 (now Metro Micro), Torrance Rapid 3 (dormant, but will be rerouted to the new Torrance Transit Center when reopen), and Lawndale Beat (expected to resume service in May).
On Line 40 (heading from the Hawthorne Planet Fitness to the Transit Center), the announcer mentions the stop for 182nd St at Hawthorne Bl (Even though the end of Line 40 moved to the new Transit Center at the end of January), where as Lines 210 and 211/215 still mention the stop for the (old) South Bay Transit Center, even though it is now closed and relocated to the Redondo Beach Transit Center.
This morning, I was on the Torrance 2 boarding the bus from Artesia/Prairie to Anza/Del Amo to go to Planet Fitness. The bus was changed to reflect on the rerouting that took place in January and the rescheduling that took place on April 10. They added “new” stops to Hawthorne Bl at Artesia Bl and at the Redondo Beach Transit Center.
I can wait until June 2023 to see whether or not Lines 40, 210 and 211/215 will be changed on both the Transit App and the buses proper to reflect on the new Transit Center’s opening like what BCT 102 (newer buses mention the stop at the Transit Center), TT2, and GTrans 3 did.
Hi, my friends and I are high school students. We go from Memorial Park Station to Soto station every day for three years. We have had to get off the train and take a bus from Union Station to Soto station since Little Tokyo station has been under construction. The only thing I care about, is this: will we be able to get on one train at Memorial Park Station, and take that train all the way to Soto station without exiting or transferring?
You will need to transfer at Little Tokyo/Arts District Station. You’ll be going from the A Line to the E Line. The train will be on the other side of the platform at Little Tokyo/Arts District.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
Interesting that there is no way to get any e-mail TO or FROM the “Regional Connector” people, and that there is NO ESTABLISED “opening date” for this on-going BOONDOGGLE! 9 years of construction, and NOT ONE taxpayer has ridden these “extensions”
Way to go. less than 2 miles of track, untold billions over budget, years late and you still can not say when, if ever, it will be usable.
Really hoping the first/ last train schedule changes to the L line (or A) are not permanent. People have a need for public transit at any given time and these changes would be limiting riders further.
The system has its flaws but the RC will be great for many transit riders. MC7 is my beginning/end from LB on the A line. I’ll miss the convenience of being the first on/last off, but I’m happy to give it up for the overall growth and improvement of the system.
This morning (April 5) at 7 am I boarded what used to be the southbound L line at Fillmore station. The headboard of the train had a blue A and said “Long Beach.” The line graphics on the screen in the car had been changed from yellow to blue, and the endpoint said “Long Beach.” The recorded announcement declared several times, “Welcome aboard the Metro A Line. This train’s final destination is Long Beach.” Everything made it look as if the RC was fully up and running – very confusing. Passengers had to ask the Metro employees on the train whether it was continuing past Union Station (it wasn’t) – the operator never bothered to convey the correct information over the PA system. Metro has an ongoing really bad habit of never seeing anything from the passenger’s point of view and failing to give riders the information they need.
its not their fault. You just gotta pay attention
I believe that the LACMTA bus routing lines with renumbered may be happen in June 2023 service change shakeup maybe for sure soon while Line 62 will become into renumber Line 262 (Hawaiian Gardens & Los Cerritos Center Mall optional – East LA College Transit Center) with no longer to provide Downtown LA – 4th St / Beaudry Av. Including Line 96 renumbered Line 296 with no longer to provide last stop on Cesar E. Chavez Ave / Main St as well while the Regional Connector Metro Rail Line opens. Especially I am not exactly for sure about the other LACMTA bus lines with shortened last stop or not in June 2023 service change shakeup or future date (TBA) service change shakeup.
By the way, for moving on forward about previous major cut of service due to pandemic by the drastic NextGen Plan results ridership numbers with onboard. Hopefully next 2 years will be implemented near in future service change plan and I will try on some LACMTA bus lines within later date in order how to see the ridership going so far. Then I will make ecomment on service council meeting as my results for ridership with my recommend of routing change options and this blog as well. Also basically yes I live in outside of LA County and I do have TAP Reduced Fare Card since 2017 until expire before 2028 Olympic Games which is 2027. Actually I don’t ride on LACMTA bus lines more often because the Next Generation Plan 2020-2021 service change plan but I did ride less often sometimes including I don’t want of any mention about the people names for happening back in May 2021 so partially long story short as myself although just example if I mention about the people names is under Civil Rights Policy with restriction and violations on this blog comment post will not appear. Perhaps I am not here to try discriminate on this blog post and I am here to follow Civil Rights Policy for regarding to aware myself without being restriction and violations in order to keep my low-profile. That’s all I have to say so hopefully looking forward with implement routing plan of upcoming this year if I have time for my results with onboard the LACMTA bus lines to using illustration for investigate.
I heard Line 96 change to Line 296 would likely be scrapped because the layover spot at Lincoln/Cypress Station is hard to maintain. Line 684 was supposed to end at Lincoln/Cypress, but the layover couldn’t be maintained, so they combined that segment with Line 251. I hope they don’t reconsider Line 296 as it will make the ridership worse and ridership in Chinatown area is relatively decent.
I noticed another line is also most likely to be affected by the Regional Connector and that’s Line 30. Line 30 is proposed to end at Little Tokyo Station as proposed for NextGen, and cancel service on 1st St due to duplication with Line 106. I would end Line 30 at Union Station via Little Tokyo Station (similar route as Line 40). In a perfect world, I would end Line 30 at Santa Monica during owl trips (after Line 730) with all trips extended to Sepulveda E Line Station all-day. Line 730 would run from Santa Monica to DTLA via Pico Bl (a true Pico Bl Rapid) all-day, similar to Lines 704 & 733. For SMBBB Line 7 (very unlikely), I would end either at Century City or Wilshire/Rodeo D Line Station instead of Pico/Rimpau.
Regarding to Line 62/262, I’m sort of concerned to the Citadel and Commerce Casino riders as those riders do board from those stops west of Atlantic Bl to DTLA. I predict, Metro would continue Line 62 the way it is for a short-term after the opening of RC until they have enough budget to implement Line 262 which is also proposed to be more frequent than Line 62. I earliest I could see the route changing would be somewhere in late 2023 or mid-2024.
Would one be able to get on the E line at Soto station? Or would it still make more sense to take a bus to 7th/Metro?
When the Regional Connector opens, the E Line will stop at Soto Station and westbound trains will stop at 7th/Metro.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
Please have Regional Connector open fully when Anime Expo is on. This convention will be the tunnels’ big test.
Don’t worry, it would be open in time for June shakeup.
This was my assumption as well. Last week of June sounds realistic if nothing wrong occurs during both phases of testing.
When are they going to open rail openings for bus operators??
Metro Light Rail has been an awesome transit system, and the RC will greatly enhance service. Two issues. Metro Management has botched the transparency to riders. A system that was supposed to open in 2020, then 2021, to later in 2021, bumped to April 2022, then late 2022, to early 2023, and now, here we are and promises of soon, but no date. Talk about over promise and under-deliver. Second issue, crime, drug use, and cleanliness. Ridership is down for these very reasons. Daily use of drugs on trains and in elevators. I literally saw one guy burn himself in a fireball lighting up his drugs. There is also the issue of passengers breathing in these toxins. Homeless pass out across seats for the elderly and handicapped. Literally, there are poop stains on seats. This raises concern for cholera and typhus to riders. Last, the crime. Great job on the Ambassadors…pay someone to watch as riders are accosted and beaten, just so they can say…yep, I saw that. No intervention. No resolution. One holes male beating a homeless female with his skateboard at Union station. Armed security on site, less than 30 feet away, slow to move, dismissed the situation. The woman was screaming as the skateboard and fists pummeled her. Metro has a bad history of not addressing passengers being harassed, mauled, one lady not long ago set ablaze near Pasadena. Trains need to be safe and clean. Riders are scared, I see it in their faces the days I ride.
If you know the last times of the trains it is unfair not to post them until the schedule is up. Many people rely on Metro Rail to get back from jobs and events and they can no longer do so. People who want to go to events at the Long Beach Arena, Santa Monica Pier, Haugh Performing Arts Center, Pasadena Playhouse, Rose Bowl, or Bergamot Center among other locations which end around 11 pm will now need to be concerned that they may miss the last train. Not everyone rides back to Downtown, some may just be riding locally, but the train is no longer going to be an option for them.
Lrm1994 – that transfer would be at 7th & Metro (down one flight), easier than Union Station. ELA trains will no longer stop at Union Station.
Ten days notice for such major cut of service?
What a clown show of a transit agency!
Sadly way past its projected opening date of “early 2023”, and they are still being vague about when the RC will open.
Rail project opening dates are usually never announced until a few weeks before opening to ensure the agency is actually able to open on the announced date, so Metro will continue to be vague until right before opening. It’s always been this way, and it’s not new with the Regional Connector. Though at the moment, it seems like Metro will be making their current anticipated opening of Q2 as testing is already underway! Just because they haven’t announced a specific date doesn’t mean we’re not near the opening date.:)
This excuse would justify IF the date wouldn’t have kept getting pushed back. That’s no longer an excuse here. You try telling your boss why your assigned projects keep getting their date’s pushed back and never keep their initial promises dates, and see how that goes.
If there was accountability here, the LACMTA would cease to exist. Funny thing is the state has the power to do something about this, but of course they won’t.
Is April 9th the day the regional connector opens? If so, will there be any festivities at the new stations just like when the K Line opened?
We don’t have a date for the opening yet. When we do, we’ll let everyone know!
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
What I’m hearing is that the Last A Line Train from Downtown L.B. would End before Midnight, instead of Midnight & I would have to take a Slow Ass 60 Owl Bus to get back to L.A. & Miss the Owl Lineup, I will Raise a Stink about it at the Service Council Meetings.
These Trains need to go back to the Old Schedules before Covid.
I had to take the owl 60 once … Quite an experience. I missed the last A line once and got stranded in Long Beach, let’s just say walking along PCH between 12-3 AM is just as scary as the owl service. Good luck.
Yup, leave it to Metro to NOT know about Operations.
Literally the last trains can still run to Downtown LA at midnight and terminate Downtown instead of continuing to Azusa/East LA.
Like I totally get a Montclair train for example to stop running to Downtown after 10pm, not the case here though.
I wish metro would consider running every other train along the alternate routes so that you could, if you want, take a one seat ride towards either endpoint regardless of which line you get on at. This would be very easy to do logistically given the new infrastructure, and it would allow folks to travel directly to Union Station from the Westside for example, and also allow such non-transfer trips between say Pasadena and Santa Monica (or East LA and Long Beach area) without a transfer which for some people could make a difference, simple transfers notwithstanding. Assuming metro won’t run trains at very high frequencies outside peak hours, this means having to wait up to 10 minutes just for a transfer in an otherwise straightforward set-up, so these alternating one seat rides would be particularly beneficial in said scenario.
Or, at least, Metro should simply run the trains on each route as frequently as the capacity allows to help minimize wait times for transfers as it is almost entirely an arbitrary decision to not fully utilize the infrastructure to its full potential (i.e. running the B line at 15 minute headways, even at rush hour, despite said route having way higher capacity. C’mon Metro, really?)
You’d think that would be nice alternative if money was truly an issue, but for whatever reason they really can’t get their operations and scheduling on point. Maybe in a few years we might see something, but then they’ll use the excuse of patron ignorance as an excuse
Is the new schedule posted yet for these rail line for April 9
Not yet but should be early next week. Thanks for patience.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
Very few people will ride Azusa to Long Beach (even so, the LRT beats buses) and I don’t think that many people will ride from Atlantic in ELA to Santa Monica unless say they are going to the beach. The ridership will be the normal start and stop locations people do now WITH the element of adding people simply riding across downtown because its easier now… say Soto St in ELA to Vermont/Expo or Highland Park to GrandAve for example. Another reason is the transfers will be easy- step off the A line and the train behind you should be an E line. So rides from Highland Park to Culver City become easier too.
Now Metro can move on to another long time gap – Green Line/605 freeway to the Metrolink Santa Fe Springs station and hopefully Amtrak and CHSR in the future.
it’ll make it so much better for me to travel from Northeast LA, an already excellent transit hub. It’ll end 2 transfers to get to LA Live, no transfers to go to a store off of Florence station, Compton, or Terrace Theater in Long Beach. All I will have to do to to go to USC, Coliseum, and BMo Stadium is ride to Little Tokyo, wait for the other one (E line) and take it there instead of multiple transfers.
You do know that the majority of hospitality employees commute from ELA to the Westside correct? There are people from the suburbs using Metrolink and the Expo Line to commute to the Westside. I’d say that will be one of the busiest routes once it opens.
The article says “…you’ll be able to transfer between the A and E Lines at five stations in DTLA: Pico, 7th/Metro, Grand Ave Arts/Bunker Hill and Little Tokyo/Arts District.” Is that list 4 stations? What about the Broadway/Grand Central Market station?
Will they plan on adding back late night service after the regional connector opens? To have last trains from downtown be midnight is much earlier than even pre pandemic when it was 1230am (or as late as 2am on weekends)
The plan is to see how it goes with late night service and demand during upcoming testing and then determine how best to go forward.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
that is a concern; I often get on the Final B Line just after midnight or use the final L from Union Station at 12:45 am. I really hope so; will be so helpful for Hollywood Bowl and Hollywood Palladium events.
Why don’t we have a date for the opening? I feel like that is project management 101 to provide an estimated completion date?
Does this mean Metro will start replacing the signage on the stations?
I am excited for this, but I remember way too many days pre-pandemic where 7MC was just impossible and the only way to get on a train was to take one in the opposite direction of where I wanted to go to board before it became too full. I am worried that 7MC will be even worse for more routes now being smack in the middle. I hope I’m wrong.
I often only used that station for the transfers; I believe it’ll be far better instead of worse. I won’t be there much unless I’m going to Wilshire Grand or Teragram ballroom since I won’t be transferring (would use Little Tokyo, 2nd broadway or 2nd/hope). Also won’t have to run to A or E line at 7th which departs 10 seconds after B line opens.
Don’t know why it would be worse. If any, both Upper Level and even Lower Level platforms would see less transfers hence let patrons packing up the stations. Now people have 2 ways to get to Union Station.
So, just checked Google Maps at this hour (5:50pm) on a Wednesday and currently, to drive from Azusa/Citrus to Downtown Long Beach, it will take 59min. The train: 1hour 57min. So only a 17 min time savings on a “Perfect” trip.
I have to say it’s a bit disappointing. It’s time we stop proposing new projects and actually focus on enhancing new ones. Metro is literally letting the influence it can have on our region go. This 2 mile line WILL change how people commute and Metro won’t do anything to monetize on that opportunity or enhance it any further.
Focus on Express Trains going forward. This could easily be a 60-70 min trip with Express Trains instead of 100 min.
And again “who would take a ride from Azusa to Long Beach?” is no longer a valid question and also ignores the bigger picture.
The Azusa to long beach routing is not optimal for competitiveness with car travel during peak period travel. Pasadena to long beach on the other hand is.
Going from Long Beach to a UCLA game at the Rose Bowl the last few years. Blue line to 7th, then downstairs to Red Line, take it to Union Station. Then walk to Gold Line, take it to Pasadena. I’ll add that nothing is synchronized so you wait at each stop. Next year it will be hop on the A Line in Long Beach, get off in Pasadena. I doubt there’s many people that would ever go end-to-end on most lines, especially the A but I don’t think that’s what it’s about. The system is far from perfect, there’s a whole lot to criticize, and each line is gonna have to be revisited many times in the future to get it right. The important thing is that they get done. Shaving 15 minutes off a long commute and being able to read the paper instead of fighting traffic, might be a small win, but it’s still a win! The regional connector might be frustrating, but it’s going to be a game changer.
I was one of those folks wondering who’d take a ride from Azusa to LB. Express trips were once done on the Gold Line but that’s when it ran from Sierra Madre Villa to Union Station. The time savings were minimal. This was before however speeds were (or supposed to be) raised on the street running section at Marmion Way and the whole Regional Connector itself. If a whole-line express service could be enacted- to speed up trips for everyone along the new line- without taking away from local service- this would be a great boon to riders. But without a third track, resilient track switches, and reliable arrivals (because of street running)– will express service ever come?
Yup, I remember riding those back then. Honestly surprised Metro was able to pull it off but it is possible.
The problem is Metro not building the rail lines at least keeping Express trains in mind in 20 years or so. The Blue Line south of Washington until Del Amo had more than enough Space for Express train because PE designed the ROW for that purpose and here we are 30+ years later with delays, accidents and slow crawling trains.
The Santa Ana Corridor has certain points that can fit in 5 tracks!! What will Metro do? Over beautify the ROW, slap some half baked bike path like they did on the Expo Line and call it a day.
I don’t need rail lines to be pretty, I need them to be efficient.
Well the L Line (will be A Line after the project is finished) doesn’t just go to Azusa. It travels to many places (in San Gabriel Valley which has a population of 1,321,764 residents) including Pasadena (where the one of the most important events like the Rose Bowl Parade and Game happen) and they NEED to go to places!! There are so many people living there. Have you seen the terrible traffic on I-210 and I-10?
Also, what if you were in East LA and San Gabriel Valley and wanted to go to a Arena Game or wanted to go to the Convention Center? Right now it takes 2 Transfers!! ZERO transfers will be AMAZING!! It doesn’t make sense why we don’t have this regional link right now!
Even though you made a lot of GREAT points! (not joking; 100 minutes is such a long time for a metro ride:) And it’s true this project has flaws, it also has amazing benefits!!
PS: The original plan in 1990s for the L Line was to extend the A Line on its current route. So, the system is just finishing a project that was planned decades ago:)
Great, but get it operating now, today. We have waited long enough. When ? Give us a date.
It’s about. 6 weeks of testing alone followed by a few weeks of pre-revenue running that way operators and the agency actually have an idea of travel time navigating tunnels and travel time between stations.
Once per-revenue service begins, Service operators are near, and a schedule will be released.
Operators need the courage to be wrong, as long as they pad out expectations. Wording it as something like “assuming perfect testing and no further changes, the project might open as early as ____” would go a long way towards transparency and trust.
I’m hoping it’s the case that to transfer between the A and E lines at the shared stations, one only needs to hop off one train and get on another. At the B/D shared stations, there’s no need to tap when switching trains, so it should be the case between the A/E trains at shared stations—which is why I always thought it was lame to have to tap between A/E trains at the Pico station.
Can you tell us the cross streets for the 3 new DTLA stops long the E line? I take E to get to work, and a shorter walk sounds amazing 🙂
Little Tokyo/Arts District is at 1st and Alameda, Historic Broadway is 2nd and Broadway and Grand Ave Arts/Bunker Hill is 2nd and Hope. Hope that helps!
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
1st/alameda for little tokyo, 2nd/broadway for same name, 2nd/hope for similar name
Rumor has it the opening date is May 5. Any official word yet?
Rumors are like a box of chocolates. No official word. We’ll share when there is, trust me!
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
Share the box of chocolate too, I hope?
“This is an A Line train to Azusa/Union Station.” Those riding from Pico/Aliso to Atlantic may hear “This is an E Line train to Union Station/East LA.”
Should the E line train not say Union Station since only the A line will stop at Union Station?
Will there be Short Line Trains between the Blue and Gold Lines (Union Sta to Long Beach only, and Union Station to Azusa only) trains for example?
Steve, you may or may not be allowed to say it but I am. The Blue Line already is prone to serious delays quite often and now the Gold Line riders will be prone to those delays as well. Having short line trains will at least alleviate that blow to already reducing ridership.
Also, not trying to taunt on the Blue Line here either. There was a time where the Gold Line fell subject to lengthy delays and multi day bus bridges.
As far as I know, the plan is to run trains between LB-Azusa and SaMo-East LA. I’ll ask ops but I think running short line trains might add a level of difficulty given those trains would need to turn around at some point.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
Hopefully the opening for the new regional connector falls on a Saturday or Sunday!
More than likely on a Saturday but the Expo Line extension did open on a Friday at Noon
K Line opened on a Friday as well
Will there be validators midway at the new station platforms to enable transfers to and from the new A and E lines?
I need to check on the TAP issue when it comes to transferring.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
When you transfer A/E lines, you don’t have to tap again.
Will the A line get signal priority back on Washington and Flower once the regional connector opens?
I need to check. As you likely know, the traffic signals are ultimately controlled by the city of L.A. and trains have never always received green lights.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
Thanks Steve. I know its never had full priority but the A line does seem to have lost some of its priority that started after the major repairs/closure of the A line. So I was just wondering if that is going to come back
Didn’t realize it either had it or not at least on Washington. The trains are going as fast or faster than the cars on Washington– given that the train is running real close to the cars. Trains have always been slow on Flower even with the fencing and stuff.
Wait, the city TOOK AWAY already established signal priority?! Why?! [Facepalm…] I didn’t even think LADOT would stoop quite that low. This is a very bad precedent to set. I wonder which whiny entitled drivers got their way this time…
So, this article implies that there will be no additional TAP needed to transfer between the two lines. Will TAP still be needed at 7th/Metro to transfer from light rail to subway?
I need to check on the tapping issue and when + when not to TAP. More info on that as we get closer to the opening.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
Technically yes but if you don’t, then you don’t.
Will the transition to the new A and E lines occur on the opening day for the Regional Connector?
Yes, that’s the plan.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
I am looking forward to this and to get two see the New stations
Great news! Hopefully we can begin riding soon. What is the expected transit time from Long Beach to Azusa and from Santa Monica to East LA?
We don’t have timetables yet, but just looking at current run times it should be 100 minutes between Azusa and Long Beach (it’s a very long trip distance-wise) and about 70 minutes between Santa Monica and East LA.
Steve Hymon Editor, The Source
70 minutes between Santa Monica and east LA is ridiculous. What can we do to advocate for faster rail times? To increase ridership, it would be best make it comparable to other modes of transportation.
Even if Metro were given signal priority at intersections, the Flower/Washington wye bottleneck and the sheer number of station stops between East LA and downtown Santa Monica impede faster service. The best that could likely be achieved is closer to 60 minutes.
The fastest Westside trips are likely to be achievable with the opening of the full D/Purple Line extension. From ELA, you’d just transfer at Union Station (although that transfer experience really needs to improve) and it’d be a 25-30 minute ride ideally to Westwood/VA. With enforced-bus lanes, a frequent express bus should be in the mix for the last mile (or miles of) trips. Not ideal, but LA transit riders are unfortunately used to taking what we can get. I mean, I can’t imagine having to ride transit without the advent of live arrival apps in the early 2010s and pre-TAP.
70 minutes (1 hour -10 minutes) between Santa Monica to East LA is a whole heck of a lot better than the 720’s one way trip of 2 hours and 30 minutes back in the day.
This is why I love to call out those that kept saying “Even if Expo was fully grade Separated, there wouldn’t be that much time savings.”
I’m sorry but I refuse to conform with “well, it could be worse,” instead of saying “this should and needs to get better.”
But to stay on point, you can blame the “at-grade” sections of the Expo and Gold Lines for that end to end time. That and too many stops. The Expo Line is a complete failure in terms of Design, and yet the Van Nuys Lins will be a continuation of that failure.
Remember that at one point Metro actually suggested this to be almost completely at-grade during the AA phases. You could’ve added another 20 min to that instead of 6-10 min
There should have been only 1 stop at USC to begin with and there should have been grade separation at Farmdale even if it meant waiting longer for money and extra construction time, but ultimately because of the same old excuses, the court stepped in and said “build a station, case closed” and now add an extra 90sec to 2 min to a commute.

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