Members of the SEAL Future Foundation certainly know how to entertain dinner guests ... putting together a Michael Bay-esque demonstration while onlookers stood in shock and awe.
We've obtained footage from the dinner, held Thursday at the Newport Beach Marina, and you see a helicopter swoop down just feet above the deck of a yacht, as Navy Seals jump from the chopper to the vessel, guns drawn!!! Door Bottom Seal

The soldiers sweep through the yacht, as those onboard film with their cellphones, and the helicopter dashes up and down the Marina, at times circling the boat.
As for the event, it was held at Lido Marina Village, hosted by NOBU and Lido Marina Village.
Of course, those in the Marina who might not have been privy to the demonstration were probably dumbfounded ... you hear commotion from onlookers who clearly think this is some sort of raid.
Don't rock the boat -- or the Navy Seals will come a-knockin'!!!

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