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If you’re working on a big wiring project chances are you’re going to have to de-pin some connectors. There are numerous connecter styles out there and they all require a different de-pinning technique. In this video, Dave from Haltech shows you how to de-pin different types of connectors. Window Rubber Seal

The first thing you want to address before you start any project is to make sure you have the right tools for the job. Working with connectors is no different, and if you want to de-pin a connector without damaging it you need the correct tools. There are different size and shape pick tools that are needed to disassemble various connectors, and Dave covers which work best for each connector in the video.
The type of connectors you’re going to run into will depend on the type of vehicle or wiring harness you’re working on. A custom wiring harness is probably going to use mostly DTM-style connectors for anything that’s not going to a sensor. When you start to work with individual sensors, you might run into Delphi, Tyco, BOSCH, or several other style connectors, and each of those has to be de-pinned a different way.
This video from Haltech really is an outstanding guide for all the major connectors you’ll run into on most wiring jobs. There’s no reason to be intimidated about how to de-pin connectors because this video shows you the tools and techniques you’ll need to work with any popular connector. If you love high-performance tech, you need to subscribe to Haltech’s YouTube channel right here, as there are tons of great videos you’ll want to check out.
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