Just because it will be cold outside this winter does not mean that you will have to stop doing all of those car maintenance tasks you did not get to this past summer. In fact, the winter holiday season is a good time to excuse yourself from the rest of the house and take refuge in your garage when cabin fever begins to take its toll on home life.
However, this does mean that you will have to endure finger numbing Siberian conditions in a self-imposed Soviet gulag style garage. By strategically placing one or two space heaters in your garage and having insulation where heat loss is the greatest, you can turn your garage into a comfort zone both physically and mentally with little effort and just marginal cost. Garage Opener

DIY Dave Good Garage Advice
That was the between-the-lines message to a recent DIY with Dave You Tube channel video---that periodically offers some great Harbor Freight related news and advice---where the host shows you exactly how to save money and install your own garage door insulation that will not only help keep you warm in the winter but will also keep you cooler next summer.
Related article: The Harbor Freight Gift Every Car Owner Needs
Follow along with the host as he does a quick “show and tell” of the materials you should choose, the minimal tools you will need to do the job (a kitchen electric meat carving knife), and why resorting to a commercial garage door insulation kit is not recommended.
Additional DIY Tips for Keeping You and Your Garage Warm
Insulating your garage door is a good starting point, however, there are additional steps you can take that will help keep you and your garage warm such as:
For additional garage-related articles, here are a few for your consideration:
Timothy Boyer is an automotive reporter based in Cincinnati. Experienced with early car restorations, he regularly restores older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. Follow Tim on “Zen and the Art of DIY Car Repair” website, the Zen Mechanic blog and on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites and Facebook for daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.
COMING UP NEXT: Ford Dealerships are Making Enemies of Its Customers
Regarding insulating the garage door video. I don’t know where this installation was performed, but, please DO NOT do this in your garage! It is NOT allowed in the state of WI to have exposed foam insulation in the home due to the dangerous smoke emitted during a fire. I can’t imagine that having this in a garage were fuel (gasoline etc.) is kept. Please advise your readers that unprotected foam insulation is a very dangerous situation in the home! Jeff

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