Kettlebells don't get the love that they should. They may seem reserved for advanced exercisers, but really, kettlebells are totally beginner-friendly and "one of the most versatile pieces of equipment," says Danielle Gertner, a NASM-certified personal trainer who's kettlebell-certified from the Onnit Academy. Kettlebells offer the convenient size and portability of a dumbbell while presenting a unique difficulty all their own: the spherical weight of the kettlebell can be anywhere from six to eight inches from the hand, which adds "an unparalleled challenge for core stability and stabilizer muscles," Gertner tells POPSUGAR.
If you're looking to build and strengthen your glutes, adding kettlebells to your workout is a great way to go. That's why we had six trainers, all certified in kettlebell training, share their top kettlebell glute exercises to fire up all the muscles in your butt — and, as you'll see, quite a few across the rest of your body as well. Gym Bar Weight

Pick and choose some of these kettlebell glute exercises for your next leg-day workout, or do all six together for a tough kettlebell glute workout. (If you do the latter, just make sure you start with a dynamic warmup to get your body ready, then cool down with a quick stretch.) Check out our guide if you need help choosing the right kettlebell weight, then keep reading to get to work.
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